What is mindfulness?
If you haven’t noticed by now, mindfulness has been becoming a global phenomenon. But why? And what exactly is mindfulness? Although originally based on Buddhist meditation, a secular practice of mindfulness was made mainstream in North America a few decades ago by Jon Kabat-Zinn with his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program.
Mindfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment, which one can develop through the practice of meditation and through other training. –Wikipedia
Mindfulness entails maintaining a connected awareness of our mind, body, and environment, but with a gentle and positive outlook. When we practice mindfulness in our daily life, our thoughts tend to focus more on what we’re sensing in the present rather than rehashing regrets or contemplating unforeseeable future.
How to practice mindfulness in everyday life
The practice of mindfulness is all about non-judgmental awareness and slowing down to be present in all aspects of your life.
It’s a powerful way to help you cope with everyday life while benefiting your mental and physical well-being. And the good news? You don’t need to become a yogi master or a Buddhist monk to implement mindfulness into your life! Even small changes like being mindful about your skincare can be incredibly beneficial.
Let’s take a look at how you can add mindfulness into your skincare routine! This is the year to make truly intentional and conscious choices to take your skincare game to the next level.
Mindfulness for skincare
3 ways to introduce mindfulness into your skincare
Make informed and intentional skincare choices
- Embracing a mindful approach to skincare includes giving more thought to the products you use. Being aware of ingredients that are in the products you use on your skin is an important aspect of mindful skincare practice.
- Natural ingredients don’t always mean they are gentle, and EWG green grade ingredients don’t always guarantee safety for your skin. However, being aware of beneficial skincare ingredients and knowing what to avoid can be a first step to choosing the right products while actively avoiding harmful risks.
Be in the moment during skincare routine
- Take your time during product application. When you slow down, it allows you to pay greater attention to detail and be fully present during the routine. Instead of rushing through, slow down and allow each step of your routine to become an act of self-care and self-love.
- Pay attention to the textures of each product and how it feels on your skin. Observe and note changes in your skin. Notice subtle changes in your skin’s appearance and texture. This will not only make your skincare routine more enjoyable with appreciation for each step, but also help you intimately understand your skin and what it needs.
Start a masking-meditation ritual
- Save 30 minutes to one full hour a week for a skincare routine that includes mediation while masking. You don’t need to devote hours to meditation to reap the benefits. Even a mini-meditation during a stressful moment is enough to help relieve stressful feelings and boost positivity.
- A skincare routine that includes masking is the perfect time to meditate while your mask is doing its magic for 10-15 minutes. If you’re new to meditation and need some help, you can try popular meditation apps like Headspace or hop on to Mindful.org, a non-profit with a wealth of information including guided sessions of mindfulness meditation for all levels and needs.
Chronic stress can have a serious impact on the health of your skin. By incorporating the practice of mindfulness into your lifestyle choices like skincare, you may find persistent skin issues like breakouts and dryness diminishing on their own.
Are you ready to add some mindfulness into your skincare this year?
Curious about K-beauty skincare trends for 2020? Read all about it here.